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How do you become a great inventor?

How do you become a great inventor?

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What kinds of inventions do you think we will have when you are an adult?

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Mystery Science respects the intellectual property rights of the owners of visual assets. We make every effort to use images and videos under appropriate licenses from the owner or by reaching out to the owner to get explicit permission. If you are the owner of a visual and believe we are using it without permission, please contact us—we will reply promptly and make things right.

Anurudh Ganesan by Google Science Fair
Back to the Future 2 by Universal via MovieClips
Cellphone teleporter by Star Trek
Defiant doors and cooridors by Star Trek
First Flying Machines - Failures and Mishaps Footage Archive by Footage Archive , used under Public Domain
From Tinkering to Invention - Ann Makosinski by Forbes
Harine Ravichandran by Google Science Fair
Josephine Cochrane by The Bowery Boys , used under Public Domain
Katharina Paulus by Wikimedia , used under CC BY
Katharina Paulus poster by German Patent and Trademark Office , used under Public Domain
Rocket powered ice skater fails by YouTube user Okrajoe , used under Public Domain
Shopping, sliding doors, customers by Pond5/Konstantin
Spot mini by Boston Dynamics

Grades K-5

Current Events And Trending Topics

Invention & Engineering

7595 reviews

Activity Prep

Print Prep

In this mini-lesson, students are introduced to the surprisingly important role of “failure” in the process of developing solutions to problems. In the activity, Bobby Dropper, students try to save a falling bobby pin from a crash landing by inventing a paper device to slow the fall. They work like inventors, learning from their failures — and learning that failures are part of the invention process!

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8 mins


3 mins

Grades K-5

Current Events And Trending Topics

Invention & Engineering

7595 reviews

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