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Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?
Web of Life Unit | Lesson 6 of 6

Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?

Web of Life Unit | Lesson 6 of 6
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How could scientists figure out what dinosaurs ate by studying fossils?

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How do you think a single asteroid hitting the Earth could cause all the dinosaurs to go extinct?

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# Extensions
Below are ideas for extending this topic beyond the Exploration & Activity you just completed.
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# Activities

The American Museum of Natural History in New York has a great Dinosaur Curriculum Collection (Grades 5–8; lesson plans included). Check these out:

  • Walk Like a Dinosaur!: Dinosaurs were reptiles…with a twist. Find out what makes a dinosaur a dinosaur by doing the dinosaur walk.

  • Solve a Sedimentary Layers Puzzle: What happened when? Test your fossil-hunting skills by working out this dino timeline.

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# Reading and Resource: # The Name Game

Dinosaurs are usually named for the people who find them, the places they’re found, or the way they look. Sometimes, though, scientists have a bit of fun with it, as you’ll see when you read about a new dinosaur called Dracorex hogwartsia.” (Sound familiar?)

To find out more about how dinosaurs are named, check out this site.

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# Videos

It may be hard to believe, but there are dinosaurs around us every day. You might even have had one for dinner last night.

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# Art Project

Scientists and artists work together to imagine how dinosaurs looked and lived. Here, you’ll watch a video, read an article, and then create a dinosaur of your own.

Click here if you want to know the name scientists gave this dinosaur

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# Readings

Readings from Newsela are free with registration. They can be adjusted for reading level. A writing prompt and quiz questions are available for each reading.

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Grade 5

Ecosystems & The Food Web

Food Webs & Flow of Energy


5094 reviews

Activity Prep

Print Prep

In this lesson, students investigate the hypothesis that an asteroid impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. In the activity, Create a Dinosaur Food Web, students use cards and construction paper connectors to create a food web from the time of the dinosaurs. Using this model, they follow the flow of energy through the food web and figure out why dinosaurs went extinct but some other animals survived.

Preview activity


15 mins


5 mins

Grade 5

Ecosystems & The Food Web

Food Webs & Flow of Energy


5094 reviews
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